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Asian American Psychological Association 2019 Annual Convention

San Diego, CA | October 4-6, 2019

Interactive Session (Saturday 10/5/19 2:35-4:05 PM; Metlizi; San Diego State University)

Preparing for and Pursuing Post-Graduate Positions: Experiences from a Panel of Early Career AANHPI
Ivan H.C. Wu, Ph.D., Lauren Berger, Ph.D., Alicia Ibaraki, Ph.D., Rean Hong, Ph.D., William Tsai, Ph.D., and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt, Ph.D.

Poster Presentation (Saturday 10/5/19 3:55-4:45 PM; Park Blvd; San Diego State University)

Examining Important Ethnic Variations in the Social Validity of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Disaggregating East Asians and South Asians
Sukhmandeep Kaur, Lauren Berger, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Western Psychological Association 99th Annual Convention

Pasadena, CA | April 25-28, 2019

Poster Presentation (Friday 4/26/19 12:30-1:45 PM; Exhibit Hall A; Pasadena Convention Center)

RSA Change Moderates the Effect of Emotion Regulation on Mood Disorder Symptomatology
Shuhua (Neva) He, Meital Mashash, Lauren Berger, Ph.D., Cindy Huang, Ph.D., Paul Hastings, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

International Convention of Psychological Science

Paris, France | March 7-9, 2019

Poster Presentation (Saturday 3/9/19 5:30-6:20 PM; ICPS Exhibit Hall; Palais des Congrès de Paris)

Ethnic Differences in the Social Validity of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Lauren Berger, Ph.D., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Pak See Ip, Helen Fann, and Jinmeng Li


5th World Congress of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry

New York, NY | October 10-13, 2018


Using Evidence-Based Approaches to Guide the Development of Culturally Adapted Treatments
Doris Chang, Ph.D., Gordon Nagayama Hall, Ph.D., Cindy Huang, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Convention

San Francisco, CA | August 9-12, 2018

Poster Presentation

Test-Retest Reliability of the Stoplight Task
Meital Mashash, Lauren Berger, Ph.D., Cindy Huang, Ph.D., Paul Hastings, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Asian American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Convention

San Francisco, CA | August 8, 2018


Losing and Saving Face: A Festschrift for Nolan Zane
Gordon Nagayama Hall, Ph.D., Stanley Sue, Ph.D., Fred Leong, Ph.D., Lauren Berger, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

American Psychological Association Division 45 2018 Biennial Conference

Austin, TX | July 19-21, 2018

Bay Area Affective Science 2018 Meeting

Palo Alto, CA | July 14, 2018

Poster Presentation

Associations between Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) Change and Performance on the Stoplight Task Across Time
Meital Mashash, Lauren Berger, Ph.D., Cindy Huang, Ph.D., Paul Hastings, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Association for Psychological Science 2018 Annual Convention

San Francisco, CA | May 24-27, 2018

Poster Presentation

Associations between Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) Change and Performance on the Stoplight Task Across Time
Meital Mashash, Lauren Berger, Ph.D., Cindy Huang, Ph.D., Paul Hastings, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.


Asian American Psychological Association 2017 Annual Convention

Las Vegas, NV | October 6-8, 2017

Interactive Session

Effective Strategies for Mitigating Stigma, Shame, and Face Loss in Psychological Interventions for Asian Americans
Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Gordon Nagayama Hall, Ph.D., and Wei-Chin Hwang, Ph.D.

Poster Presentation

A Pathway to Culturally Competent Interventions: Addressing Ethnic, Gender, and Socioeconomic Background Differences in the Social Validity of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Pak See Ip, Helen Fann, Lauren Berger, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

American Psychological Association 2017 Annual Convention

Washington, DC | August 3-6, 2017

Symposium – Beyond Cultural Competence: Understanding Ethnic Disparities Through Psychotherapy Process Research

Ethnic, Gender, Social Class and Face Concern Variations in Self-Disclosure in Treatment
Lauren Berger, Ph.D. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Collaborative Symposium – Innovative Interventions That Mitigate Stigma, Shame and Face Loss Issues Among Asian Americans

Chair: Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Asian American & Pacific Islander Issues Conference 2017

Davis, CA | April 30, 2017

Workshop Presentation

Fostering Psychological Empowerment in the Face of Exclusion and Marginalization
Sut Yee Shirley Chan, M.A., Manveen Dhindsa, Ph.D., and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt, Ph.D.

Western Psychological Association 97th Annual Convention

Sacramento, CA | April 27-30, 2017

Distinguished Speaker Presentation

Addressing the Elephant(s) in the Session for Clients from Shame-based Cultures:  Evidence-based Strategies for Mitigating Stigma, Shame, and Face Loss
Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Poster Presentation

Interactive Influences of Ethnicity, Gender, and Emotion Regulation on College Adjustment and Self Esteem
Madison Tamichi, Sut Yee Shirley Chan, M.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., and Katherine Conger, Ph.D.

Bay Area Chinese American Mental Health Conference: Training the Trainers

Santa Clara, CA | April 7, 2017

Research Applications Session

Approaches to Culturally Informed Evidence-based Mental Health Treatments for Asian Americans
Nolan Zane, Ph.D. and Lauren Berger, Ph.D.


American Psychological Association 2016 Annual Convention

Denver, CO | August 4-7, 2016

Collaborative Symposium – Unequal Psychotherapies: Culture, Race, Ethnicity and Scientific Equity

The Evidence for CBT in the Treatment of Mental Illness in African Americans
Cheryl Boyce, Ph.D. and Alfiee Breland-Noble, Ph.D.

Integrating Culturally-Oriented Approaches to Advance Research on Culturally Informed Evidence-Based Research
Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Lauren Berger, M.A., and Cindy Huang, Ph.D.

Psychotherapy for Depression in Adult Latinos: A Systematic Review of the Science
Guillermo Bernal, Ph.D.

Unequal Psychotherapies and Native Americans
Beth Boyd, Ph.D.

Discussant: Nadine J. Kaslow, Ph.D.

Asian American Psychological Association 2016 Annual Convention

Denver, CO | August 3, 2016

Symposium – Empirically-Based Strategies for Enhancing Cultural Inclusion in Evidence-Based Treatments

Sex and Ethnic Differences in the Social Validity of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Ethnic and Cultural Differences in Social Validity of an Evidence-based Parenting Intervention
Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D.

Addressing Disparities in Mental Health Service Utilization: Considering the Role of Self-Disclosure
Lauren Berger, M.A.

Poster Presentations

Balancing the Cultural Adaptation Equation: A Concurrent Examination of Acculturation and Enculturation Effects on Mental Disorders
Sut Yee Shirley Chan, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Shirley AAPA

Exploring the Roles of Mental Health and Cultural Factors on Parenting Behaviors in Asian Immigrant Parents
Kim-Thien Nguyen, Austin Yu, Sida Bai, Suzanne Cheng, Timothy Diep, Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Parenting RA Team

American Psychological Association Division 45 2016 Biennial Conference

Palo Alto, CA | July 7-9, 2016

Workshop Presentation

Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (but may not have asked)
Nolan Zane, Ph.D. and Robert Sellers, Ph.D.


Clinical Psychology of Ethnic Minorities: Integrating Research and Practice
Fred Leong, Ph.D., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Guillermo Bernal, Ph.D., Beth Boyd, Ph.D., Lauren Berger, M.A., and Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D.

Deep and Surface Cultural Considerations for Interventions Targeting Asian Americans
Anne Saw, Ph.D., Jin Kim, Ph.D., Janice Tsoh, Ph.D., and Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D.

Treatment of Depression Among Culturally Diverse Populations
Zori Kalibatseva, Ph.D., Ashley Castro, Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D., Bridget Makol, and Antonio Polo, Ph.D.

Poster Presentation

Examining Ethnic, SES, and Gender Variations in Self-Disclosure Tendencies
Jean Abigail Saavedra, Mengxue Sun, Lei Ye, Cameron Mosier, Timothy Diep, Yetianyi Yu, Catherine Chen, Nolan Zane, Ph.D., and Lauren Berger, M.A.

Face D45

Perception of Campus Environment and Engagement in Ethnic Diversity Issues
Aaron Matthew Simmons, Alan Chan, Ph.D., Izabela Villanueva, and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Ethnic and Sexual Orientation Minority Status: Effects on Academic Self-Efficacy
Izabela Villanueva, Alan Chan, Ph.D., Aaron Matthew Simmons, and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.


American Psychological Association 2015 Annual Convention

Toronto, Ontario, Canada | August 6-9, 2015

Invited Presentations

Building an Evidence-Based Pathway to Culturally-Informed Mental Health Treatments: Where Are We?
Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Poster Presentations

Do Racial Microaggressions Actually Cause Stress for People of Color
Gloria Wong, Ph.D., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Azrael Nickens, Nathan Sy, Spencer Stone, Austin Yu, and Sharon Gao

Enhancing Outcomes for Immigrant Populations: Effects of a Culturally Relevant Pilot Intervention
Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D.

SES, Family Relations, and Internalizing Problems Among Asian and Latino Adolescents
Sut Yee Shirley Chan, M.A. and Katherine J. Conger, Ph.D.

Asian American Psychological Association 2015 Annual Convention

Toronto, Ontario, Canada | August 5, 2015

Poster Presentations

Bilingualism, Parenting Factors, and Child Behavioral Outcomes: Cultivating Positive Outcomes for Asian American Children
Cindy J. Huang, Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Do you speak English? Impact and individual variations of microaggressions among Asian Americans
Gloria Wong, Ph.D., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Matthew Olson, Kristina Hanna, Megan Dunn, and Nicole Ellis

Examining the Effects of Depression, Stress, and Self-efficacy on General Health in Elderly Asian Immigrants
Lay Vang, Cindy J. Huang, Jennine Tran, Cindy Y. Huang, Ph.D., and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.


Asian American Psychological Association 2014 Annual Convention

Washington, DC | August 6, 2014

Invited Presentation

Dissertation Award Symposium: Why Don’t Individuals in Distress Seek Help? Addressing Underutilization among Asian Americans
Jin Kim, Ph.D.

Poster Presentations

Examining Ethnic Differences in Well-Being: Considering the Role of Phenotype Prototypicality
Lauren Berger, M.A.

Molehills Make Mountains: How the Frequency of Occurrences Affect the Physiological Impact of Racial Microaggressions
Jonathan Lindh, Emily Kasai, Matthew Olson, Megan Dunn, Gloria Wong, M.A., Anne Saw, Ph.D., and Sumie Okazaki, Ph.D.


Unpacking Power and Privilege Within the Asian American Identity
Gloria Wong, M.A., Jennifer Chain, M.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., and Sumie Okazaki, Ph.D.

American Psychological Association Division 45 2014 Biennial Conference

Eugene, OR | June 19-21, 2014

Workshop Presentation

Operationalizing Cultural Diversity: Strategies for Conducting Publishable (and Fundable) Ethnic Minority Research
Nolan Zane, Ph.D. and Bryan Kim, Ph.D.

Poster Presentations

Examining Ethnic Differences in Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Dialecticism
Lauren Berger, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Factors Accounting for Asian-White Differences in Various Psychiatric Disorders
Shirley Chan, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Symposium – Depression among Culturally Diverse College Students

A Portfolio Model of Adaptability among College Students
Fred Leong, Ph.D. and Zornista Kalibatseva, M.A.

Ethnic Differences in Loss of Face, Family Conflict, and Depression
Zornista Kalibatseva, M.A.

Ethnic Differences in Depression and Related Problems among College Students
Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Fred Leong, Ph.D., and Alan Chan, M.A.

Ethnic Differences in Loss of Face, Family Conflict, and Depression
Jennifer Chain, M.A. and Gordon Hall, Ph.D.


Michigan State University Symposium on Multicultural Psychology

East Lansing, MI | October 25, 2013

Paper Presentation

Treatment with Asian Americans: Challenges and Promising Strategies
Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Jin Kim, M.A., and C. Gotuaco

Asian American Psychological Association 2013 Annual Convention

Honolulu, HI | July 30, 2013

Poster Presentation

The Effect of Depressive Symptoms on Mental health Literacy Among College Students
Jin Kim, M.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., and Anne Saw, Ph.D.


Asian American Psychological Association 2012 Annual Convention

Orlando, FL | August 1, 2012

Invited Presentation

Dissertation Award Symposium: Unpacking the Relationship between Ethnic Identity and Adjustment among Biracials
Lauren Berger, M.A.

Poster Presentation

Effects of Gender Match, Ethnic Match, and Face Concern on Self-disclosure among Asian Americans
Helen Ku, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

American Psychological Association Division 45 2012 Biannual Conference

Ann Arbor, MI | April 16, 2012

Paper Presentation

Refining the Development of Culturally Tailored Treatments: Addressing Important Empirical Disconnects in Diversity Research
Nolan Zane, Ph.D. and Jin Kim, M.A.


American Psychological Association 2011 Convention

Washington, DC | August 4-7, 2011

Poster Presentation

Face Concern As An Explanation for Differences in Credibility Ratings Across Therapy Styles
Jin Kim, M.A., Sam Park, and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Asian American Psychological Association 2011 Annual Convention

Washington, DC | August 3, 2011

Poster Presentation

Stigmatized Attitudes Towards the Mentally Ill Among Young Adults in College
Lauren Berger, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.


Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 2010 Convention

San Francisco, CA | November 18-21, 2010


Incorporating Cultural Factors into Empirically Supported Treatments: Research and Clinical Considerations
Janie J. Hong, Ph.D., Gordon C. Nagayama Hall, Ph.D., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., Joyce Chu, Ph.D., and Jin Kim, M.A.

American Psychological Association 2010 Convention

San Diego, CA | August 12-15, 2010

Poster Presentation

Client Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in Outpatient Therapy
Jin Kim and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.
Division 12: Society of Clinical Psychology

Workshop Presentation

Leadership in APA Training/Mentoring Workshop
Oanh Meyer, M.A., Lauren Berger, M.A., and Carmel Gabriel, M.A.

Asian American Psychological Association 2010 Annual Convention

San Diego, CA | August 11, 2010

Symposium – Gambling among Asian Americans

Conceptual Framework
Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Population Investigation of Asian American Gambling
Anna Song, Ph.D.

Family and Social Factors of Gambling
Anne Saw, Ph.D.

Expectancies and Psychosocial Risks for Gambling Engagement and Problems
Alan Chan, M.A.


Suicide Prevention Strategies for the Hmong Community: A Qualitative Study
Janice Cheng, M.A.

Poster Presentations

Asian-White Biracial Identity Strength, Organization, and Influence on Adjustment: Preliminary Findings
Lauren Berger, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Defying Expectations: The Effects of Chinese American Bicultural Identity on Self-Esteem, Emotion, and Personality
Carmel Gabriel, M.A.

Ethnic Variation in Emotion Regulation Among Asian Americans and White Americans
Helen Ku, M.A. and Nolan Zane, Ph.D.


American Psychological Association 2009 Convention

Toronto, Ontario, Canada | August 6-9, 2009

Poster Presentations

An IRT Evaluation of the SOGS for Asian Americans
Alan Chan, B.S, B.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., & Timothy Fong, M.D.
Division 50: Addictions

Reconsidering the Existing Model for Depression Classification for Hmong Immigrants
Janice Cheng, B.A., Tonya Fancher, M.D., & Debora Paterniti, Ph.D.
Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues

Asian American Psychological Association 2009 Annual Convention

Toronto, Ontario, Canada | August 5, 2009

Poster Presentation

Ethnic Identity in Biracial and Monoracial Asian Americans: Dissecting Differences
Lauren Berger, M.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., & David Takeuchi, Ph.D.

Asian American Mental Health Working Conference

Stateline, NV | May 29-30, 2009


American Psychological Association 2008 Convention

Boston, MA | August 14-17, 2008


New Directions in Stigma Research for Asian American Communities
Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Paper Presentation

Evidence-based Practices: Translating the Research for Ethnic Minority Communities
Gordon Nagayama Hall, Ph.D.

Poster Presentations

Are Asians Assertive? Examining Culture and Ethnicity in Social Behavior
Manveen Dhindsa, M.A., Oanh Meyer, M.A., & Nolan Zane, Ph.D.
Division 8: Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Nationwide Comparison of Mental Health Status Among Biracial and Monoracial Individuals
Lauren Berger, B.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., & David Takeuchi, Ph.D.
Division 12: Society of Clinical Psychology

Family Conflict as a Risk for Suicidality among Asian Americans
Janice Cheng, B.A., Stanley Sue, Ph.D., & David Takeuchi, Ph.D.
Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues

Mediators of Racial Match’s Effect of Counseling Outcomes
Oanh Meyer, M.A., & Nolan Zane, Ph.D.
Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues

Asian American Psychological Association 2008 Annual Conference

Boston, MA | August 13, 2008

Symposium – Musings from Senior Scholars: Some Promising Directions in Asian American Psychology

Are Asian Americans a Legitimate Minority Group? Lessons Learned from the Legal System
Stanley Sue, Ph.D.

Promising Directions in the Study of Culture and Genetics
Gordon Nagayama Hall, Ph.D.

Promising Directions in Culturally Informed Evidence Based Practices
Nolan Zane, Ph.D.


Addressing Mental Health Disparities: Three Culturally-Adapted Empirical Treatment Models for Asian American Groups
Lawrence Yang, Ph.D., Anna Lau, Ph.D., Wei-Chin Hwang, Ph.D., & Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Poster Presentations

Problem Gambling Rates and Risk Factors: Ethnic Comparisons between Universities
Alan Chan, B.S, B.A., Nolan Zane, Ph.D., & Anne Saw, M.A.

Effects of Positive Stereotypes on Math Performance among Chinese Americans
Carmel Gabriel, B.A., Oanh Meyer, M.A., Manveen Dhindsa, M.A., & Nolan Zane, Ph.D.

Culturally Informed Evidence Based Practices 2008 National Conference

Bethesda, MD | March 13-14, 2008